Tuesday, February 18, 2014

300- (alone)

I feel that there are two types of alone. Physically being alone and when you just have a hallow feeling inside yourself. I thought about both of these a lot today. I thought about what would be worse to feel for the rest of your life. I make the distinction of being physically as being by yourself on an island with no one to talk to. Then I make the connection of the hallow feeling as being around people but not really caring or making a connection to any one so getting the feeling of being alone.

Now think about that in your mind. Being stranded on an island with no one around you for the rest of your life or being surrounded by people but never feeling a connection to any of them. Which would be worse? In my opinion I think it would feel worse not being able to connect with anyone. To be surrounded by people but never connecting and still feeling hallow. I think that would really be the definition of alone.

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