Wednesday, April 16, 2014

300- significants

when i write i want to write something significant. something that has meaning not just for me but for my readers too. i want someone to actually like my mind, words, and writing. not for them to just say that they do. sometime people just want to be nice and say that they like your work when they really don't. sometime people do not understand what you are going for. things are misinterpreted. is that how a writes life is destined to be? there work being misinterpreted and possibly letting down those who got the wrong interpretation? if i wrote something about angels and demons but someone interpreted it as a break up story and they really liked it, but then later found out its true meaning would they still like it? would they think about it differently? would they like it more or less?

Does an artist ever really want to explain their work to others? or do they just want people to automatically understand what is trying to be said? would that make things too simple if everyone just got the meaning that you were going for? or is the art better when people can see a whole bunch of different meanings? if a piece and stir a lot of different emotional responses then it is a good thing. but what if that is not what the artist was going for? is it a disappointment? if all of this turns out wrong for the artist would they still even want to work? would they still want to continue making art but then having people not understand it or interpret it correctly? or is it just one of those times were as long as people like it i will continue to do it?

i want people to understand my work. but i want them to recognize what i was writing. sure i am open to different interpretations but in the end i want people to think about what i was thinking about. not something else. that is what i do not like about writing or making art. people are going to think what they want to think about the art work. there will be times when people do not understand what you are going for, might not like the work, and might tell you about it. the art world seems to be all about rejection and success. if you are not one then you are the other. what a cruel world. i just want to write something with significants.

300- so many projects

Right now there are 3 creative writing classes that i am taking. Each of them has a final project and a final portfolio. To put it simply, there is a lot of projects and work to do. One of the projects that i have just finished is for my transgenre class. I get to dress up in my newly made super hero outfit and present the irony of being a hero. The words associated with a hero, bravery, courage, justice, hero, and fearlessness are all going to be bashed. I am going to go into how these words do not mean anything in all reality. I wrote small poems on the outfit and then i am going to read writings of how these words are misrepresented.

There are still the other two classes to go. But after today i will feel that much weight off my shoulders once again. while i wait for the rest of the paint to dry i am doing other homework assignments and i am feeling accomplished for 8:45 in the morning. normally i am not up this early. I guess that is what happens when finals week is on its way. Time to kick it into high gear and get everything else done.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

300- biting the error

I find these readings a little bit harder to comprehend. So forgive me if I interpreted some of these worlds wrong.

"The stuff of the psyche,' says Herakleitos, 'is a smoke-like substance of finest particles, that give rise to all other things . . . . it is constantly in motion: only movement can know movement." (44)
I feel that what is being said here is that someone cannot know something truly unless they have done it or experienced it. It would be the same with writing. You cannot know what it is like to write without writing something down. It would not be the same if you just noted it in your mind.

"As in lacking subsistence, mistaking violence for justice, separating use and exchange, always the crisis of value." (56)
This quote is riddled with meaning. I tried to break it down to everything that I could understand. First I wanted to think of value. What is to be valued overall? I thought this whole quote was then about delusion. How people delude themselves into thinking somethings are justified. If something is missing, then you are missing the value of what is lost. When you mistake violence for justice you are missing the value of human decisions and life. Then when you do not realize you are using something and only exchanging something of value or worth you are missing vital values that could mean so much more than what is realized.

"Both Alex and Thomas think it is when the sun sets that the moon becomes possible. But there it is: triumphant in the sky, hours before the sun edges to the lip of the horizon." (121)
This quote seems obvious. The moon is always in the sky even when you cannot see it. But there is also the underlying truth that the moon still has its moment in the sky that the sun does not interrupt. Maybe the two boys are referencing this time. They might know that the moon is always there, but they might just think that it is only important when it shines on its own.

300- hejinian cont.

(It seems that we had hardly begun and we were already there)
"Hard to distinguish hunger from wanting to eat." (16)
How can we tell if we are hungry? Our body tells us by grumbling. But how often do we eat because of these signs? Most people eat not because they are hungry but because they or bored or find comfort in eating. I like this quote because it is true. Maybe we eat not just to save ourselves from hunger, but also just the ability to eat. There are plenty of people who know hunger more than the rest of the world. They know what hunger is, and they also know what wanting to eat is. They probably do not distinguish the two because they cannot see the difference between eating for hunger or form boredom.

(A name trimmed with colored ribbons)
"This simply means that the imagination is more restless than the body." (18)
There is almost nothing more true in this statement for me right now than anything else. My mind is always restless. Sometimes my body is not moving but my mind is everywhere at once. While you sleep your body becomes paralyzed while you enter and remain in the REM cycle. Yet your mind is dreaming. Jumping from dream to dream. Your mind is never still. Even when you like to think it is. How often do you let your mind wander? It is said that every 10 minutes your mind needs a break. It can stay focused for a while before it needs to break off into a tangent. That can show you how everyones mind can be restless. Obviously more than the body. This was my favorite quote out of all the readings. Mostly because it pertains to me, but also because it is a true statement, and very observant  observation.

300- Hejinian

I found that there was a lot of good quotes in these short poems/ writings. I decided that I would say them and then describe why I liked them so much.

(a pause, a rose, something on paper)
"The overtones are a denser shadow in the room characterized by its habitual readiness, a form of charged waiting, a perpetual attendance, of which I was thinking when I began the paragraph, "So much of childhood is spent in a manner of waiting." (9)
The reason why I loved this quote is because I can identify with it. It is true that childhood is spent in waiting. Waiting to grow up, waiting to go to bigger and better places, and waiting to figure out who you are and what your purpose is. Most of the time we are still waiting to figure all of this out. But the childhood stage is mostly where all of this takes place. As children we are asked questions like, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" It seems like already people are making them think about the future. Not only that but the media shows us that growing up is one of the best things in the world. Everything is pushing children to grow up, and until they do, they are just waiting.

(As for we who love to be astonished)
"It is as if one splashed in the water lost by one's tears." (10)
I liked this quote just for the pure beauty of what it is saying. It seems to convey a ton of emotions along with a depressing tone. We do not know for sure if these tears are ones of joy or sorrow but the imagery is still there. It then brings to the mind of one diving into those emotions. Facing whatever made them cry. I liked this quote because it seemed to strike something in me, and because it seems so depressing. There is no other way to put it.

300- event factory

Before I started reading the Event Factory, I read the intro. It stated that the color yellow was used frequently throughout the story. I decided that whenever I would come across the word yellow I would make a tally on how often it did show up. The answer was 21 times. During these times I would try and figure out what this symbolizes. Normally, when I think of the color yellow I think of something warm like the sun. However, in the story it was more something like a fog or hazy. It would describe the air. It was something like pollution. At least that was my first thought after reading most of the story.
Something else I wanted to pay attention to was the use of the word hello, or variations of it. I did not count how many times it was used, but I noticed that it had to have some significance. While reading all of theses introductions, I wondered why they seemed so important. Sometimes these people would just be in one scene and that was all. I figured then it was just part of the culture that was in this area. But, I also noticed that in some instances there was more to the word. "Hello, in case it was also time to fuck"(23). I found it weird that saying hello also led to random kissing sessions or sexual acts.

There were some things that I was quite confused about while I was reading. First, I was not sure if the main character was a boy or a girl. It does not really matter which it was but I wanted to be able to clearly identify the character. I later found out that it was a girl. Another mystery as while I read was how she even got to this place. Also, why she continued to stay when she knows that it was time to leave. The need to find out what was wrong with this place kept her there but in all reality the place was fine. I wondered why the author decided to make this area fine after describing it like it was dying or breaking. It seemed more logical to keep the idea that the area was flawed. Yet, there was people like Simon who were willing to stay there because they felt like home. 

Over all I felt like this story was a mystery. I got into it thinking that it would clear up eventually. It solved some problems but I felt like there was a lot I was still missing. 1. What was that place? 2. Is it really coming alive instead of dying? 3. What is she going to do now that she knows this place is alive? There is still so much to be answered for in my opinion.

300- just fall asleep

How often do you wish to sleep but simply can't? To the point where you are up all night, up all morning, and before you know it, it is night again. Yet, sleep still does not come. Your body needs it but your mind will simply not let it happen. My mind races and my body soon follows suit. I bounce, I think, and before I know it I am up moving around against my own will. Why can't I just sleep? My mind needs a rest but it does not seem to want it. I wonder then, what it does want. There seems to be so much on my mind that I cannot even sort it all out. It jumps from one thought to another. I wonder why I cannot concentrate on my own thoughts.

I just wish to sleep. Maybe then my mind will clear and I can start to think straight. Maybe I am just to anxious. Maybe I just feel like there is not enough time in the day so I have to cut back on the things that my mind thinks I do not need. As I type other thoughts come across my mind. It is hard to stay focused. My eyes are dropping and but my fingers are flying over the key bored. Soon I will try to just fall a sleep.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

300- (significant number three)

Have you ever noticed the significance in the number three? How often that number is referenced in movies or in life itself? Lately I have. For example, in movies three is an important number. The three mice in cinderella, the three kittens in the artistrocats, the three blind mice. To name a few. Then there is the saying "three is a crowed", or "bad luck comes in threes". Right now in my life bad things have finally come to the number three. Is it just my luck or is there really something to this significance of the number three?

I am trying to look back on when things have been really bad in my life. And I am trying to think if those bad things came in threes. It is hard to look back and be able to count the bad things that have happened to you. If you think about it has the number three impacted you the way it has me? To the point where I am writing about it and really thinking of why this number is used so much in stories or in life? What is the true significance of the number three?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

300- nerd

Dear anybody who reads this, I am not a nerd because I decided to put on a pair of glasses. I am not a person who is decked out in holster/ Abercrombie/ victoria's secret clothes pretending that I am a nerd. Those are the people who irritate me. What do they consider to be a nerd? Just wearing those glasses? Don't make me laugh in sarcasm. When I was in middle school and high school I was laughed at because I liked "nerdy" things. Now, those same people who laugh at me, mock me in a way that they now thing that wearing a pair of glasses and being a "nerd" is cool.

I have news for those people out there, you are not a nerd. And yes being a nerd is cool to those who are nerds. And do you know why? Because they are doing things that they like to do. The reason I think I am a nerd is because I enjoy doing things that other people seem to find nerdy. I watch Anime, I read manga, I play magic the gathering, I play video games from time to time, I try to read at least one book every week that is not something raunchy like 50 shades of grey but something like sci-fi or fantasy, and I memories songs from my animes which are in japanese. Which I rock out to instead of one direction, horrible rap music, or the stereotypical "country" music everyone else loves to listen too.

I am not a nerd because one day I woke up and decided to put on a pair of glasses. I am a nerd because what people think I like is nerdy. And you know what else? Maybe it is but I don't really care. I love the things that I do. I enjoy listening to japanese music and watching my anime. If you don't think that is nerdy then whatever. I don't really care. But what I do care about is the stupid people who now thing that they can name themselves nerds when they made fun of them in middle school and high school. those are the people that need to be slapped in the face and need to be woken up to the reality of what they are. People trying to make a new trend, follow the crowd, and desperate people looking for attention.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

300- (lust)

Lust, even hearing the work can send a shiver up someones body just thinking of what it means. images  will come into ones mind, of someone they find attractive, and thoughts race in your head. what would it be like with that person? How would I feel if i kissed him or if he kissed me? Your cheeks start to turn pink and you hold your breath. slowing letting out the deep breath that you were forced to draw into your body with the pleasurable thoughts. your body starts to tingle and it feels like a lightning bolt is struck in your body. your throat becomes a cell for the sounds that you might want to make. holding them back because now might not be the time to release them.

lust is about the tension, the build up to what is to come. it is a mental foreplay. making your body desire what can or can't be. that person who you are lusting after appears. thoughts again race across your mind. what would it be like during the moments before the first kiss? what would it be like to feel a hand on your waist, lower back, or thigh? for the hand to move lower to more intimate places? that is what lust is all about. not being able to control your thoughts or your bodies reaction to them. it fuels the sexual fire. it is a hungry need that makes the body crave more. it is a tantalizing feeling and yet everyone still lusts. even if it goes unsatisfied.

Monday, February 24, 2014

300- (stuff to say)

What I find really weird is that as soon as I have to do this blog assignment I run out of stuff to say. Then again when I do find something to say I am rambling most of the time. I find it hard to come up with something on the spot and even more difficult when I am sitting in front of my computer screen looking at my own blog. This blog assignment gives everyone the option to write about anything they want. Yet, I am here writing about how I have nothing to write about. This assignment for me is almost the ultimate writers block. Ironic when you think about it, I can write about anything and yet I do not know what to write.

So what kind of stuff do I have to say? Well, from the looks of it nothing. Just a bunch of ramblings. I feel like it is pointless for me to even be writing right now. If I do not have something important to say then why say it at all. But I still have to say something to get credit. I wish there was a way for me to feel like this assignment would mean more to me. Maybe I will just have to start writing poems or short story ideas for me to feel like I am actually doing something useful. The next time I do this assignment maybe I will have something more interesting to say.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

300- (alone)

I feel that there are two types of alone. Physically being alone and when you just have a hallow feeling inside yourself. I thought about both of these a lot today. I thought about what would be worse to feel for the rest of your life. I make the distinction of being physically as being by yourself on an island with no one to talk to. Then I make the connection of the hallow feeling as being around people but not really caring or making a connection to any one so getting the feeling of being alone.

Now think about that in your mind. Being stranded on an island with no one around you for the rest of your life or being surrounded by people but never feeling a connection to any of them. Which would be worse? In my opinion I think it would feel worse not being able to connect with anyone. To be surrounded by people but never connecting and still feeling hallow. I think that would really be the definition of alone.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

300 - (writers block)

When you really want to write something or if you have to write something I always seem to get writers block. Right now I can just babble about the topic of writers block but at the same time I still do not know what to write for my creative writing classes. I have ideas but I cannot make them into the stories and poems that I need. Having writers block is frustrating for obvious reasons. I will have to get my work done, but it will not be my best because my imagination and words are escaping my mind.

I am stuck between a few ideas for one of my classes where I have to write a story that is mainly about developing one character and dialog. My idea is about a set of twins that are completely opposite to the point where the younger sibling hates the other because of the vast differences. Other than that I have no idea what I want to do with this piece. Having writers block sucks. I feel like because of this block i will not finish want needs to be done because I do not have the urge to write. However, I still have to because it is my assignment. For now I have writers block, I hope it goes away soon. Is anyone else dealing with this right now?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

300 - memories and inspiration

Every week I am required to write a post on this blog. I have decided for this week that mine will be about memories and inspiration. Memories are the key to inspiration. I have always been able to recall a memory and then use those feelings and senses to write what I need to write. I recall going to Colorado and standing on top of the mountain. I recall the fresh air and how beautiful my surroundings were. The memory of Colorado shows up in many of my works because I incorporate the nature of Colorado to any nature I need in my poems/ stories/ etc.

Smell is the sense that is most associated with memory because it can trigger memories the fastest. This might sound weird but whenever I smell the American Eagle "Real" cologne for guys I get a warm memory and remember soft hugs and surprisingly enough of a hunting trip. I can use this warm memory in my poems and also sadness and anger all depending on what memory I associated that smell with.

Sound can inspire my writing as well. I have a wear sense of inspiration however when it comes to music and sound. What gets me writing and pumped up/ in the mood for writing is actually songs from the animes that I watch. "in my world"  and "chain" by Rookiez is punk's,  "a world without danger" from the show "code lyoko" and any song from "bleach". I can listen to music and not be distracted by the actual words and their meaning. Sure I can repeat the sounds they are making but I do not know what they are saying. Allowing me to listen to the songs beat and the beauty of the sound. I find inspiration in this by associating the songs with the anime's themselves and then the feelings I get from them.

The last thing that really gets me inspired is obviously my own feelings. I write the best when I am mad, sad, frustrated, or down right raging. I realized without some kind of negative emotion I cannot write things that are that intense or worth reading, but for now that is really all I have to say about inspiration. Also if you really want, please tell me what inspires you.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

300- literary vs. genre fiction

What I discovered while reading about literary and genre fiction is my own definitions for them. I think of genre fiction as a broad spectrum of ideas such as science fiction, mystery, romance etc. While I think of literary fiction more in terms of outside genre itself. It is in a category of its own and does not have any subcategories underneath it. I think that when it comes to genre fiction there are more possibilities for there to be demonstrated, other than books there can be screen plays that are turned into movies and the short stories as well. While literary would be more like documentaries and information based books. Just from my observations.

My writing style would be more towards genre fiction. Like I said in my introduction post, I mostly write poems, short stories, one screen play, and one book that I have not finished. I tend to focus on action with some romance and it can be debated if it is also science fiction or not. My poems are mostly just about emotions or thoughts that I feel at the time which does not really fit into the genre fiction but it would not be literary either. I guess I think that poetry is then out of these categories. I have not really thought about or experienced what transgenre really is when it comes to writing. I feel that over time I will be able to figure out what falls where in the terms of genre and categories. Right now all I can really say is that I like writing in genre fiction and probably will not venture into literary genre.

300- Introduction

My name is Samantha Soltis and so far I would say that my writing has been mostly just for enjoyment. I normally only write when I feel inspired or when I feel I really need to get something off of my mind. I mostly write poems but I have written a few short stories, one screen play, and started a novel that probably will not be finished if I do not settle down to get it done. I mostly write about my own feelings and experiences, however, when I do write I am writing with negative emotions making my work more serious and depressing.

I feel that what I really need to work on with my work is staying focused. I feel that my work is either forced or only half of my talent with writing. What I mean by forced is that I think that I am trying to hard to be deep or making this too exciting. Which then takes away from the actual meaning or emotions that I want to get across. I know that I still have a lot to work on with my own work but I know that after I take more of the creative writing classes I am going to experience what it is like to have others look over my work and to get feedback on what people like and what they do not. In all actuality, I am hoping for people to tare my work apart just so I can make it even better.

I will admit that I do not have a lot of experience in the creative writing program. I have only taken the Introduction class but this semester I am taking three creative writing courses. I will be taking this class, gateway to creative writing, along with a creative writing fiction and transgenre class. I am excited to better my writing and I am mostly hoping that it will give me that stamina and determination to finish my work instead of quitting and giving up on my ideas. I will also admit that I have to take these classes for my minor but I am really glad that these are the classes I have chosen to take because I know they are going to challenge me.